

Useful tutorials to support the programmer to use the PHC Studio development environment.

PHC Studio installation

This video describe how to install the PHC Studio tool.

Create a new project

This tutorial shows how to create a new project.

Compile a project and download

This tutorial shows how to compile the project and download.

Block properties

This tutorial shows how to view the blocks properties (functions and function blocks).

Change target

This tutorial shows how to change the target (controller) in a project.

Parameter management

This tutorial shows how to use the working parameters inside a PHC Studio application and with the WST (Walvoil Service Tool).

Read an analog input

This tutorial shows how to read an analog input.

Read the current on the output

This tutorial shows how to read the output current.

Drive the HSD output in ON/OFF mode

This tutorial shows how to drive an on/off output.

PHC Studio uninstall

This tutorial shows how to uninstal PHC Studio.