The collaboration between Walvoil and ITS MAKER of Reggio Emilia - Italy, specializing in mechatronic systems, digital automation and process control, continues in 2024.

Among the founding members of the ITS MAKER foundation, Walvoil has supported various projects over the years.

In the early months of 2024, there are several activities, that we have synergistically deployed:
- teaching activities of our own staff on technical subjects and hosting/training the students in our facilities for the entire activity;
- orientation activity in local high schools and promotion of ITS paths, also bringing concrete testimonies with students who have done the same experience;
- visits to our production departments at the Corte Tegge site (Cavriago – Reggio Emilia): after a brief company presentation, the students had the opportunity to visit the production departments and talk with our technicians and managers who explained the importance of the knowledge acquired in the study paths. The guys were favorably impressed by the high technological component present in Walvoil;
- lab activities: after an initial joint moment dedicated to the topic of product validation tests and related measurements (in the hydraulic field, but not only), including a "guided tour" of the Laboratory, the first-year students were subsequently divided into 8 pairs, which were able to follow, in rotation, some of the experimental activities appropriately set up for educational purposes by the technical staff of the new Innovation Center and the Metrology Office.

Making ourselves available for training in support of the dissemination of technical skills has always been in Walvoil's DNA. It is also a time for enrichment and discussion, and an opportunity to support ITS MAKER to guide students towards the career path that best suits them.