On Saturday 29 April 2023, Walvoil had the honour and the privilege to receive the visit of the President of the Italian Republic, Sergio Mattarella, in Reggio Emilia to celebrate the 1st of May, Labour Day, and the Mechatronics District.
The visit took place in the setting of the Corte Tegge site in Cavriago (Reggio Emilia province), now undergoing expansion of the production plant and the construction of the new Innovation Center, which will be the new headquarters of the R&D division.
The event, organised by Unindustria Reggio Emilia, was attended by over 300 people, including authorities, institutions and entrepreneurs from of the mechatronics district.
The President of the Republic, after visiting the Landi Renzo company, arrived at Walvoil, where he met the President of the Interpump Group, Fulvio Montipò, and Fabio Marasi, President and CEO of Walvoil Group.
Guided by Walvoil's Head of Operations Italy, Antonio Catellani, the President then visited the production plant, where he met the employees at work and was given a warm welcome.
This occasion was a great honour for all of us and our company in Italy and around the world.
Thanks again to the President of the Italian Republic Sergio Mattarella, to the Authorities and Institutions present on Saturday, to Unindustria Reggio Emilia, to the Police Force, and to the entire staff of the Quirinale, who in synergy made this special event possible and accompanied us.